Welcome to the Child Support Lien Network
Frequently Asked Questions
Lump-Sum Payments or Non-Periodic Payments
More Arizona FAQs on many topics may be found at https://des.az.gov/services/child-and-family/arizona-child-support-services
1. Does Arizona DCSE have a way to collect support from lump-sum payments or non-periodic payments, such as an estate or insurance settlement?
Yes, Arizona DCSE can send a limited income withholding order to collect from lump-sum payments or non-period payments that are owed to the custodial parent or the state.
2. What are some examples of lump-sum payments or non-periodic payments?
Some examples of lump-sum payments or non-periodic payments are severance pay, sick pay, vacation pay, bonuses, insurance settlements, commissions, stock options and estate settlements.
3. Can a non-custodial parent dispute the use of a periodic or limited income withholding order?
Yes. The non-custodial parent may request an administrative review to dispute the periodic or limited income withholding order.
Note: Administrative reviews requests should be sent to, DCSE, PO BOX 40408, Phoenix, AZ 85067, Attention: ARU.
4. What are the timeframes for a party to request an administrative review?
An administrative review of the a periodic or limited income withholding order must be submitted in writing to DCSE within ten (10) business days of the notice of the action being taken.
5. How long does DCSE have to respond to a request for an administrative review?
DCSE must respond to a request for an administrative review for periodic or limited income withholding order within ten (10) business days.
6. Can a party contest DCSE's determination?
Yes, DCSE's final determination is subject to judicial review. A party may request a judicial review through the Superior Court. The party must request the review within thirty-five (35) calendar days from the date of DCSE's final determination.