Welcome to the Child Support Lien Network
Insurance Industry Outreach
Please be aware of a new statute that affects the way you do business in New Jersey, and of a simple method approved by the state to comply with the statute.
Before insurers, attorneys, or responsible agents distribute any net proceeds to claimants for third party personal injury claims or any settlement negotiated prior or subsequent to the filing of a lawsuit, civil judgment, civil arbitration award, inheritance or workers compensation award, the law requires insurers to search for child support judgments through a private judgment search company that maintains information on child support judgments, provided by the New Jersey Child Support Enforcement Office indicating whether the claimant owes past due support.
Pursuant to C.2A:17-56.23b (NJ Stat. Anno.), the New Jersey Child Support Enforcement Office has published this delinquent obligor information on a secure web database on the Internet for your use in complying with this law. The information is available through a data match or individual-claimant interactive searches.
We have been working to improve the lookup process required by New Jersey law and to expedite the exchange of information. An automated electronic interface has been implemented that allows your company to meet the New Jersey law requirements much easier. This interface is a direct result of a public / private collaborative effort among the State of New Jersey and the Child Support Lien Network (CSLN), administered by the State of Rhode Island with oversight by your industry representatives.
Your company's election to utilize the interface process will meet your legal duties and responsibilities under the New Jersey Law. The new electronic interface matches our delinquent child support obligor files on the CSLN database to insurance claim information to more easily identify potential assets available for collection by our agency. This new interface makes child support agency interaction with your company much less intrusive.
Your company will still be responsible for the remaining provisions of the law; however, instead of insurance company employees, attorneys or agents having to arrange for private searches at a cost of up to $10.00 per search, the interface will allow our CSLN web site and or the Child Support Agency to alert your company via e-mail, fax or mail of only those claims have matched our delinquent-obligor files.
You are under no obligation to elect the electronic interface option. However,
I am confident that you will find this improved process to be much more cost
efficient and easier to use. Please visit the web site www.childsupportliens.com
for more information on the CSLN system. If you have any questions, please contact
CSLN Web Site Technical Support at 888-240-7488 or by email to
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Our private-public partnership continues
to thrive and be the model for many other government-private sector projects.
Alisha A. Griffin
Assistant Director
New Jersey Office of Child Support Services