
Welcome to the Child Support Lien Network

What Happens Next?

Kansas has contracted with the Child Support Lien Network (CSLN) for the purpose of intercepting insurance settlements. Kansas Child Support Services (CSS) submits a file containing delinquent non-custodial parties to CSLN on a weekly basis. When a match is identified, CSLN will send the insurance company a legal notice on behalf of Kansas CSS. The insurance company must comply with the provisions set forth in the notices under Kansas law. The type of notices sent will depend on the type of insurance settlement that is available. When a final settlement is ready to be paid, the insurance company will send the payment directly to the Kansas Payment Center to be applied to the applicable non-custodial parent's case(s).

Payment Information

Please include the non-custodial party’s name, date of birth and court order number on all payments. This information can be found on the Notice of Lien or Income Withholding Order issued by the Kansas CSS office.

The payment will be made payable to:

Kansas Payment Center
P.O. Box 758599
Topeka, KS 66675-8599


For distribution by CSS.