Welcome to the Child Support Lien Network
What Happens Next?
Once a match is identified, CSLN sends a Notice of Income Assignment (Lump Sum or Worker's Compensation) to the insurance company, with a copy to the noncustodial parent.
The match file is sent to LA SES. SES FIDM staff reviews the case and may contact CSLN with current information.
The insurance company notifies LA SES of the settlement date and amount of settlement.
SES FIDM staff reviews the case and provides the current amount owed on the case to the insurance company.
The insurance company withholds funds and forwards to LA SES with identifying information on the forms.
LA SES Financial Unit receives the funds and disburses through the support case.
Contact Information
Note: The name and phone number of the FIDM worker handling the case will be included in the Notices you receive from Support Enforcement Services and CSLN.
Craig Blanchard, FS Program Specialist 2
Program Support Section
Phone: (225) 342-4780
Fax: (225) 342-7397
Email: Craig.Blanchard@LA.GOV
State of Louisiana
Department of Children and Family Services
Division of Programs
Child Support Enforcement Section
PO Box 94065
Baton Rouge, LA 70804