Welcome to the Child Support Lien Network
Virginia Insurance Industry Outreach
The Virginia Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) is dedicated and committed to a philosophy in which our core mission is to improve our children's economic security by obtaining child support obligations and payments. The DCSE is continuously working to enhance collection efforts in order that the children of Virginia receive more of the child support to which they are entitled and deserve. Therefore, we are asking for your participation in this project as it will bring us closer to achieving our mission.
CSLN was established to make delinquent child support payor information accessible to insurance companies, specifically for the purpose of intercepting insurance claim settlements that are owed to delinquent child support payors. Virginia’s information is available in an easy to use, secure database, which can be accessed at www.childsupportliens.com, or through data matching. We believe you will find the website easy to use and that it will facilitate your company’s ability to “match” the delinquent payor information with your records (insurance claims) and notify our agency.
Once the DCSE has received notification of a “match,” we will issue a legal notice requesting that you withhold distribution of the claimant’s funds. A copy of this notice will also be sent to the claimant (delinquent payor) as a matter of due process. Then, upon notification of a settlement date, we will forward a second notice to you, which will provide instructions on when/where distribution of these funds should be made. Please note that, in accordance with Virginia Code Section 63.2-1929 (E), “Delivery to the Commissioner shall serve as full acquittance and the Commonwealth warrants and represents that it shall defend and hold harmless for such actions persons delivering money or property to the Commissioner pursuant to this chapter.”
Even though there are many collection remedies available to our agency, an intercepted insurance claim settlement may be the only way for a family to recover years of unpaid child support. For that reason, we are asking for your participation in this exciting program, which will help us ensure that financial support becomes a reality in many young lives.
On behalf of all the children who will benefit from this program, I would
like to thank you for your consideration of this worthwhile venture.
Craig Burshem
Deputy Commissioner
Director, Child Support Enforcement